If you think you or someone you know has been affected by bullying and/or harassment, there are a variety of support options available.

 Immediate help

If you or someone else may still be at risk call Security on 028 9097 5099 or the Police on 999.

If you are injured or need medical assistance, call 999 for an Ambulance or Security on 028 9097 5099

If you are not at risk find somewhere safe and call somebody you trust to support you. If you are in Accommodation this could be your Residential Assistant or a member of the Residential Life Team if you do not want to contact friends or family



Campus support

Student Wellbeing Service



Victim Support NI

T: 02890244039

W:: http://www.victimsupportni.com/


Race Hate Crime Advocate

Migrant Centre NI

T: 028 7141 4848

E:  bilingualsupportworker@migrantcentreni.org

W: http://migrantcentreni.org/


GenderJam NI (Transgender Community Charity)

T: 028 90 996 819

El: info@genderjam.org.uk


Rainbow Project (LGBT Health Organisation)

T: 02890 319030

E: advocacy@rainbow-project.org 

W: https://www.rainbow-project.org/


Disability Hate Crime Advocate

Leonard Cheshire NI

T: 028 906 61 281
W: www.leonardcheshire.org/home/northernireland


Student Anti-Bullying and Harassment Policy



There are two ways you can tell us what happened