Got Consent?
If its not a HELL YES, then its a HELL NO!
How to stop Scams
Help and advice for anyone affected by online sexual blackmail
Approach a member of staff and "Ask for Angela"
All sexual touching without consent is a crime.
In our All about Consent Vodcast we discuss with our partners from PSNI, Common Youth, QUBSU and School of Law. What is consent? What is consent culture?, consent and the law & How to give Consent?
Support for you each step of the way
Coercive controlling behaviour is still abuse and its a crime.
"Bringing in the Bystander" encourages a community of social responsibility whereby active bystanders are equipped with the skills and confidence to intervene safely when unacceptable behaviour occur
A hate crime is any violent or non-violent incident perceived to have been committed against a person or their property on the grounds of their disability, race or ethnic identity, their religion or beliefs, their sexual orientation or gender identity